White Barn PRUD Homeowners Association
Community Rules & Policies
(Revised with membership input July 2015)

Common Areas:
C-1: Common areas are for the use of all HOA members and should be kept free of any member’s personal items: (bicycles, scooters, toys, golf carts, athletic equipment etc.)
C-2: Areas around units and common areas should not be altered in any way that would increase the rate of insurance or result in the cancellation of insurance.
C-3: Common areas may not be altered in anyway by homeowners i.e. trees, planters, berms, walkways unless approved by the Board/landscaping committee or Architectural Review Board.
C-4: Golf carts/motor vehicles shall be driven on White Barn Drive and not on the common area grass to insure sprinkler systems and lawns remain in proper condition.
C-5: Due to the fact that White Barn PRUD Common areas are attached to White Barn Golf Course, members should continually exhibit neighborly behavior by respecting golfers, keeping garbage off the course, walking dogs elsewhere and not using the golf course as any type of target practice.
C-6: Common areas are often the home and travel area for wildlife. Wildlife should be respected.
C-7: Common area grass and flower beds may not be removed for the purpose of planting vegetables.

V-1: Visitors are always welcome. Members are responsible for safety of visitors, as well as, assisting visitors to adhere to HOA Rules. Members will be responsible for damage that may occur during a visit.
V-2: For safety reasons, no one should be allowed to climb trees, visit the pond without supervision (minors), fish at the pond with fishing poles or discharge any type of firearm.

Homeowner Units:
H-1: All units in White Barn PRUD are designated as single family dwellings; private residences only.
H-2: Each homeowner shall keep their unit in a good state of preservation and cleanliness, keeping units and areas free of garbage and debris. If flower beds are not maintained and become an eyesore, the Association will contract a landscaping service to correct the problem at owner’s expense.
H-3: Signs: Real Estate signs– “For Sale” or “For Rent” are the only signs that are allowed to be displayed in front of units and must be placed in the flower bed adjacent to the respective unit.
H-4: All garbage and refuse from units will be secured in the provided covered can. Lids should be used to prevent garbage flying about. Garbage cans will be stored IN THE GARAGE and may not remain out front of units.
H-5: It is recommended that homeowners use existing hardware for television/radio/internet. If additional equipment is required, a written request for approval must be provided to the Board.
H-6: To insure and preserve the serenity, peace and quality of life for all homeowners, a “quiet time” is established between 10p.m.- 7a.m. No activities which create a disturbance or nuisance will be tolerated.
H-7: For security, as well as for appearance, garage doors should remain closed when possible.
H-8: Homeowners are responsible for the maintenance of the areas between the sidewalk and the outside of the unit. Often times, members may have an area that encroaches on the common area which Homeowner needs to maintain.
H-9: Exterior painting should be completed by HOA, however, if members desire to paint, it must be approved by the ARB.
H-10: Repair of roofs, rain gutters, sidewalks and driveways are the responsibility of individual homeowner, unless damage is caused by wind and or storms.

WS-1: White Barn Country Club PRUD operates sprinklers and sprinkling system with the help of Maintenance/lawn care companies. No member shall operate systems independently of the community and if does so a $100 fine will be imposed.

Parking/Motor Vehicles:
P-1: Driveways should be free of furniture/debris/garbage. Members should not park open trailers/trucks with furniture/debris/garbage in driveways. If trailers/trucks remain in driveway loaded with such material for more than a week, fines may be imposed.
P-2: Parked vehicles need to be in the designated areas and should not impede another unit’s driveway, community mailboxes and fire hydrants.
P-3: Vehicles that are parked in guest parking for more than a month may be towed at owner’s expense.
P-4: Overnight parking of cars, house trailers, motor homes, boats, boat trailers, campers, trucks or similar vehicles will be allowed in the lesser used areas of guest parking areas for five consecutive days with permission from the Board.
P-5: Campers, trailers, boats, and motor homes may be parked in driveways for a maximum of seven consecutive days. Board approval is required for extended parking.
P-6: Vehicles driven within the boundaries of the White Barn PRUD shall be operated by a licensed driver; driven at no greater speed than 15 mph; have proper muffler systems and operate stereos within a reasonable decibel level.
A-1: Monthly maintenance assessment payments/ monthly dues are due at the HOA Bookkeepers office on the first of each Month. No invoices will be sent in advance. If payments are not received by the 5th of the month, a late fee of $50 will be charged. In addition to late fees, interest shall accrue on balances, including any unpaid interest, attorney fees and assessments (resulting in compounding interest) at 18% per annum or 1.5% per month. (reference 9.2 CC&R)

F-1: Regarding infraction of rules and policies, the following procedures may be enforced by the Board of Directors:
a. Friendly, personal visit to member by board member with explanation of problem. If problem is not rectified,
b. A follow up letter by the board with specific action that may be taken. If matter is not taken care of within specific time frame,
c. A fine of up to $50 per day, or per occurrence, may be assessed for non-compliance.

C-1: Complaints/requests may be taken at a reasonable hour by any board member. Verbal notification followed by a written letter placed in the payment box would be best for follow up.

PA-1: No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept in any unit or common area.
PA-2: Members may have a maximum of two pets.
PA-3: All pets must be registered with the HOA, including proof of current vaccinations & licensing with Pleasant View City, and a picture.
PA-4: Pets must be licensed with Pleasant View City. All pets must be properly vaccinated.
PA-5: All pets must remain under owner’s control at all times. Pets may not run loose any time of day or night.
PA-6: Pet runs, pet doors or kennels are not allowed.
PA-7: Pet owners must clean up pet droppings whether the droppings are in common areas or by units. Fines may be imposed on members who do not comply.
PA-8: Owners are responsible for noise that pets may create and try to minimize such behavior. Members that are disturbed by such, are advised to call Pleasant View City, plus write the complaint as a report and give it to the Board.
PA-9: Pet owners will be liable for any damage a pet may create to the property of another home owner, any lawns and shrubs.
PA-10: Pet bites or injuries: Owner will be liable for all medical, hospital and other costs incurred.
PA-11: Wild birds are not to be fed by members.